Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Homemade Deodorant

I have used "organic" & "natural" store bought deodorants for at least 10 years. Recently, I realized that the very one I had been using contained Alum in it. What the heck?!?!??!!! Feeling taken advantage of and kind of stupid for not being more proactive, I started shopping for a replacement. Looking online, I found a very organic deodorant from a small operation in Maryland that seemed suitable. However, the asking price was $10.00 for 3 ounces. I DON'T THINK SO! 
So, for the past week, I have been using my own homemade version of deodorant. It's working nicely and I'm pleased.

Here is the "recipe" if you are interested. 


1/2 cup Witch Hazel
1/2 cup distilled water
1 tsp of Baking Soda
1/4 tsp of Corn Starch

I put all the above ingredients in a pretty green bottle and shook it up. 
To use, I just pour a little in my hand and rub in on. It dries quickly.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Reasons to stop smoking:
  1. You will live longer!
  2. You will have a better quality of life!
  3. You will save money!
  4. Your clothes won't smell like an ashtray.
  5. Your teeth won't be nicotine stained.
  6. Your nails & fingertips won't be yellow.
  7. You will breathe better.
  8. You will have better circulation.
  9. You will have a better social life.
  10. Your face won't wrinkle as quickly.
  11. You won't break your kids hearts when they watch you die a terrible death due to a lifetime of choosing the cigarette over your own well being and that of your family.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fabulous and Sweet Dump Cake:
This easy recipe always guarantees "mmmmmm's" when I make it.
1 box of butter cake mix
1 1/2 stick of butter (or margarine if you prefer)
1 large can of crushed pineapple
6 ounces of shredded coconut
Place in order in a prepared sheet cake pan (I use glass).
1-Spread a the pineapple, juice and all.
2-Sprinkle the coconut over the pineapple evenly.
3-Gently spread out the dry cake mix.
4-Place thin slices of the butter all over the cake mix. I try to cover all of the looks prettier. 
Bake in oven at 375 degrees for about 30-40 minutes, or until the top is nice and golden.