Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DIY Mini Greenhouse

I love to garden, indoor and out. It gives me great pleasure.

I don't throw anything away that looks even remotely useful.

Take for instance those big zipper bags that comforters come in. DON'T THROW THEM AWAY!!! They make fantastic mini green houses for your seedlings. I actually started using my "green house bags" late last autumn to keep my houseplants outside on the front porch a bit longer. The morning sun warmed up the atmosphere in the bags and my plants thought they were vacationing in Florida!
This season, I'm using the green house bags for my tender seedlings.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the cold frame design and all the helpful ideas that go with it. Your plan has been downloaded and I am hoping to get something put together this summer....we'll see how it goes.

    You have some wonderful garden ideas and advice. Thanks for sharing!
